Guardians of Privacy: AllPannel’s Pledge to Protect Your Information

  • Information Collection and Usage: AllPannel is committed to transparency regarding the collection and usage of user information, distinguishing between personal and non-personal data and outlining the purposes of data collection. We collect personal information such as names, email addresses, and payment information for account management and service improvement purposes. However, we also collect non-personal information such as device information and website usage data for analytics and optimization purposes.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We elucidate the role of cookies in enhancing user experience and provide options for users to manage their preferences. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They help us improve the functionality and performance of our website by remembering your preferences and settings. However, users have the option to disable cookies or adjust their cookie settings through their web browser preferences.
  • Data Security: AllPannel implements stringent security measures, including encryption and firewalls, to protect user data, with a clear outline of user responsibilities in maintaining account security. We take the security of user data seriously and employ industry-standard security protocols to safeguard against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of user information. However, users are also responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts by choosing strong passwords, keeping their login credentials confidential, and reporting any suspicious activity promptly.
  • Third-Party Services: Transparency is key when it comes to third-party services integrated with AllPannel, with clear disclosures and user consent mechanisms in place. We may integrate third-party services such as payment processors or analytics providers to enhance the functionality of our platform. However, we only share user data with third parties with the user’s explicit consent, and we provide links to their privacy policies for further information.